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Call for abstracts

One of the main objectives of the organizing committee is to share knowledge, and enhance the transfer of knowledge on the latest advancements in health care. We encourage the submission of original research for oral presentations and posters.

Only abstracts reflecting high-quality, original research will be selected for an oral presentation or a poster. Case reports are not eligible for submission. The review process is confidential and the decision regarding acceptance is final.

All abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee and will be peer-reviewed for:

  • Background/Aims
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions
Word or PDF
Structured using the following headings: Background/Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusions
Word count
Max. 250 words
Title count
Max. 150 characters
Max. 2 graphs, charts or tables
Important dates
Abstract submission is open online until September 1, 2024 (23:59 CET). Authors will be notified of the abstract selection results no later than the first week of October 2024 about the outcome (accepted or rejection).

In addition to submitting the abstracts, it is also possible to submit symposia. 

Call for submitted symposia

We are accepting submitted symposia of either 60 or 90 minutes, with a maximum of 3 lectures per symposium. The deadline for submission is July 31st, 2024. The conference faculty will assess the proposal and inform the submitting author of their decision before September 1st, 2024. Please be aware that the EDA does not cover travel or accommodation expenses of conference speakers. 

Please provide a short description of the idea behind the symposium, titles of the lectures, names and affiliations of the speakers, and any conflicts of interest of the proposed speakers. 

Please send your proposal to the organizing committee via